Oh good! No one’s favorite topic. I’m hear to tell you not to reinvent the wheel. Talk to your friends, the ones who have done it recently. I talked to my friends and I have one piece of advice to share:
Read this book:

Funny name because she’s a funny writer. Reading this felt like talking to one of my girlfriends. Or to myself. She’s concise and clear with a dry sense of humor.
Not only did I almost enjoy reading this, but the method worked. IT WORKED. She begins by dispelling the myths that we’ve all fallen for, the most common chatter you hear surrounding potty training. Boys take longer, don’t start until they’re ready, that kind of thing. And her points are extremely valid. She changed my mind on these common arguments and I realized these were reasons I was using as a defense mechanism because I was afraid of trying.
At its heart, this book breaks down simple steps for potty training in just a few days. You’ll have to clear your social calendar for a while, so I chose to do it in January, right after Christmas, when we had new toys to play with no more reason for living leaving the house. And frankly, it didn’t suck.
This book helped me understand that any child can be trained earlier than we think and it can be done more painlessly than we fear it will be.
I really and truly hate talking about poop, but here goes. What potty training tips do you have? What worked for you? Let’s get a dialogue going and get through this together!