If you’re like me, you’re stuck at home during Quarantine and doing your best to feed your family with what you’ve got. I’m pretty well set with shelf stable goods, but our perishables are mostly gone and I want to wait as long as I can before I have to go back out to the grocery store!

And if you’re like me, you’re scared as hell of making your own bread. It makes me think of using yeast for middle school science experiments. Yikes.

But this recipe from King Arthur Flour (adapted from Bernard Clayton’s New Complete Book of Breads) will have you baking bread from scratch without using yeast! Praise hands.

I must warn you, this will only require a few pantry staples, but it does take a good bit of time and attention to detail. But hey, we’ve got plenty of time on our hands these days! Please, please READ THE RECIPE FROM START TO FINISH before you dive in and look over the tips at the end. There is nothing to be scared of, just make sure you understand the process and determine your timeline.

Get the recipe here:

Let me know if you give it a try, I would love to hear about it! Ok, now back to daydreaming of fresh spinach.

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